The fruit of our labour


Customers and the market in general have recognised our expertise with a number of awards, thanks to the daily efforts of our team and our commitment to the environment.

» Award for Innovation Initiative given by FAECA (Andalusian Cooperative Business Federation). March 2011.

» Top Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. November 2011.

» Nomination to the Alas (Wings) awards in the Exporting Company category given by the office of foreign promotion (EXTENDA) of the Junta de Andalucía. January 2015.

» Award for Generosity 2015 given by the Food Bank Foundation Granada. April 2015.


Carretera Almería. Km 1,6, Motril, 18600 (Granada)

+34 958 60 03 06

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